For an in depth comparison of how Enterprise Car Club differs to the previous car club provider, please click here.
See our official launch video here.
✓ Access 1,300+ vehicles across the UK 24/7/365 ✓ Drive a wide range of vehicles ✓ Fuel & roadside assistance is included ✓ Physical Damage/Liability Protection is included with a standard excess of £1,000 for cars and £1,250 for vans, per incident ✓ 24/7 Clubhouse telephone support |
✓ Book by the hour or day, in advance or on the go ✓ Hourly rental charges are capped at the day rate ✓ Cancel your reservation for FREE up to 5 hours before your reservation ✓ Save money in comparison to car ownership. Click here to calculate if you might save |
Choose a plan below. Once approved, you'll be able to access the vehicles with your phone App.
Click here to view the rental rates Norwich will specifically enjoy as Enterprise Car Club launches as the official provider across the city.
We provide customised plans that allow you and your company to decrease travel expenses, increase productivity and meet sustainability goals, all while taking advantage of our business plans with reduced rates and fees.
Member Eligibility
Key considerations
Find out more about Other Charges or see our full Terms & Conditions. |