Llogi Cerbydau Hunanwasanaeth yn ôl yr Awr ac yn Ddyddiol yng Nghymru


Cymru Vehicle Locations

In Network
Out of Network

Pam Enterprise Car Club?


✓ Cyrchwch 1,300+ o gerbydau ar draws y DU

✓ Gyrrwch ystod eang o gerbydau

✓ Cynhwysir tanwydd a chymorth wrth ymyl y ffordd 

✓ Cynhwysir Niwed Corfforol/Diogelu Atebolrwydd gyda thâl-dros-ben o £750 yn safonol

✓ Cymorth dros y ffôn Clubhouse 24/7


✓ Bwciwch yn ôl yr awr neu’r dydd, o flaenllaw neu wrth fynd

✓ Mae cyfraddau rhentu yn ôl yr awr wedi’u capio i’r gyfradd ddyddiol

✓ Canslwch eich rhagarcheb AM DDIM hyd at 5 awr cyn eich rhagarcheb


Ymunwch Lle Rydych Chi’n Byw a  Datglowch
Gerbydau Ledled y Wlad

Dewiswch eich tref neu ddinas agosaf isod i ganfod y cyfraddau cerbydau ac opsiynau aelodaeth ar gyfer lle rydych chi’n byw.

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Cynigion i Drigolion Cymru

Mae cynlluniau cyfradd busnes hefyd ar gael


Rydym ni’n darparu cynlluniau wedi’u teilwra sy’n caniatáu ichi a’ch cwmni leihau treuliau teithio, cynyddu cynhyrchedd a chyrraedd nodau cynaliadwyedd, i gyd tra byddwch yn manteisio ar ein cynlluniau busnes gyda chyfraddau a ffioedd is.


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Member Eligibility

  • Applicants aged 19 years or over
  • Who have a valid driving licence (International Driving Licence Accepted)
  • Who have a valid major credit card or debit card in your name
  • As part of the application process we may verify the information you provided through credit agencies or other databases for the purpose of preventing fraud. An inquiry may appear on your credit report but it will not impact your credit score.

Key considerations

  • For each reservation you’ll be charged rental (based on a per hour or per day calculation) and mileage (based on how far you drove). An estimate for your rental will be displayed before you confirm your reservation. For more info on pricing click here.
  • If you are aged 22 or over you can reduce your excess damage waiver to £100 for £15/month or £150 per year.


  • You are liable for any parking, tolls and fines from any parking tickets or traffic offences. These also may attract an administration fee.
  • Pay a maximum of £30 if you cancel your reservation within 5hrs of your reservation.
  • Members are restricted to a 7 day maximum rental or £250 spend limit (excl. mileage) whichever is lesser. Further restrictions apply for those on the ‘Under 22’ plan.
  • Time (duration) of rental - calculated in 15 minute increments from the start to end of your reservation.
  • We ask all our members to adhere to our Car Club Code.


Find out more about Other Charges or see our full Terms & Conditions.